Short Films
Short Films
Hotel Houffer, la película. Teaser.
Hotel Houffer, una película de suspenso grabada a más de 2000 metros de altura en el icónico Hotel Humboldt en Venezuela.
Sinópsis: "Una visita a un hotel abandonado en la cima de una montaña se trans...
I am Roman short film
The world from the point of view of Roman, a gifted artist
"The Ticket" interactive web series Trailer
Not everything is what it seems and life sometimes can surprise you. A winning lottery ticket is lost, but only a smart person would find it.
"Lost Hope" Short Film - iaSeries.com
"Lost Hope" is a short film originally made from a web series at www.iaSeries.com - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series.
Synopsis: Mary (Yr...
"The Red String" Short Film - iaSeries.com
"The Red String" is a short film originally made from a web series at www.iaSeries.com - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series.
Synopsis: An ...
"Somewhere Else" Short Film - iaSeries.com
"Somewhere Else" is a short film originally made from a web series at www.iaSeries.com - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series.
Synopsis: Ale...
dos seres se enamoran en los sueños, al despertar sus almas se intuyen, se sienten asi que realizaran un viaje para encontrarse.
actores: ana lorena sanchez, ernesto reyes.
director :cristian proa
"Mi Mundo" Cortometraje
Cortometraje producido por Cineka Films acerca del fin del mundo!
"Larry Fonseca" Short Film (School Shootings)
Violence, sex, loneliness and family disintegration: A formula for incubating a mortal child LARRY FONSECA.
Larry Fonseca is just another child who is a product of American society. Born in the Unit...
Unfair - Short Film
The life of a young artist who got everything he wanted too fast.
The Last Offering Director's Cut Spanish Subtitles
Short Film "The Last Offering"
Thesis Film 2003 at Miami International University of Arts & Design
Las Vacas También LLoran - Short Film
Juvenal Camargo trajina, lucha y sobrevive en territorio extranjero. Sobrevive desde hace tiempo en un país lejano donde nada le es propio y todo le es extraño. Atrás quedaron las querencias, los amig...
The Green Letter - 4th School Short Film
The Green Letter - 4th School Short Film - Shot with an Arriflex 16BL
Directed, produced, written, edited, by Kevin Canache