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Short Films

Short Films

Short Films

Hotel Houffer, la película. Teaser.
Hotel Houffer, la película. Teaser.
Hotel Houffer, una película de suspenso grabada a más de 2000 metros de altura en el icónico Hotel Humboldt en Venezuela. Sinópsis: "Una visita a un hotel abandonado en la cima de una montaña se trans...
I am Roman short film
I am Roman short film
The world from the point of view of Roman, a gifted artist
"The Ticket" interactive web series Trailer Not everything is what it seems and life sometimes can surprise you. A winning lottery ticket is lost, but only a smart person would find it.
"Lost Hope" Short Film -
"Lost Hope" is a short film originally made from a web series at - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series. Synopsis: Mary (Yr...
"The Red String" Short Film -
"The Red String" is a short film originally made from a web series at - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series. Synopsis: An ...
"Somewhere Else" Short Film -
"Somewhere Else" is a short film originally made from a web series at - After a web series is finished, a short film version is made with all episodes of the web series. Synopsis: Ale...
dos seres se enamoran en los sueños, al despertar sus almas se intuyen, se sienten asi que realizaran un viaje para encontrarse. actores: ana lorena sanchez, ernesto reyes. director :cristian proa dp:...
"Mi Mundo" Cortometraje
Cortometraje producido por Cineka Films acerca del fin del mundo!
"Larry Fonseca" Short Film (School Shootings)
Violence, sex, loneliness and family disintegration: A formula for incubating a mortal child LARRY FONSECA. Larry Fonseca is just another child who is a product of American society. Born in the Unit...
Unfair - Short Film
Unfair - Short Film
The life of a young artist who got everything he wanted too fast.
The Last Offering Director's Cut Spanish Subtitles
The Last Offering Director's Cut Spanish Subtitles
Short Film "The Last Offering" Thesis Film 2003 at Miami International University of Arts & Design
Las Vacas También LLoran - Short Film
Las Vacas También LLoran - Short Film
Juvenal Camargo trajina, lucha y sobrevive en territorio extranjero. Sobrevive desde hace tiempo en un país lejano donde nada le es propio y todo le es extraño. Atrás quedaron las querencias, los amig...
The Green Letter - 4th School Short Film
The Green Letter - 4th School Short Film
The Green Letter - 4th School Short Film - Shot with an Arriflex 16BL Directed, produced, written, edited, by Kevin Canache